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Multi-directional screw clamps prohibited until further notice

Tragically, last week there was an industry fatality involving a contractor undertaking rope access work.

Tragically, last week there was an industry fatality involving a contractor undertaking rope access work.

The incident occurred offshore in Australia when a contractor was fatally injured while undertaking rope access works. We believe a multi-directional screw clamp (also known as eagle clamps, G clamps) was involved.

Immediate actions required

  • Remove and tag out all multi-directional screw clamps from use, including those used for rope access, lifting and rigging:
    • Conduct facility worksite survey check work areas, lifting equipment registers, stores etc
    • Tag out of service any multi-directional screw clamps
    • Quarantine
  • Share this incident flash with relevant contractors

An investigation is underway through Santos

  • Santos will provide an update on the use of multi-directional screw clamps once more information is known.
  • They will communicate incident learnings once these have been shared with industry by the operator or regulator.